python_mvg_api – Munich Public Transport made simple


Not too long ago, MVG (aka Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft) relaunched their Website, which now actually utilizes a JSON api! (I know, crazy, right?) This python module tries to provide easy to use access to most aspects of the mvg api.

It offers:

  • The next departures for any station in the MVV
    • This includes S-Bahn and Schienenersatzverkehr
  • Listing nearby stations based on geolocation
  • Search for Stations and POI
  • Routing
  • Current warnings about service interruptions

Take a look at, it shows some basic concepts, or at the rest of the docs, where everything should be adequately documented.

Note on the usage policy


[...] Die Verarbeitung unserer Inhalte oder Daten durch Dritte erfordert unsere ausdrückliche Zustimmung. Für private, nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke, wird eine gemäßigte Nutzung ohne unsere ausdrückliche Zustimmung geduldet. Jegliche Form von Data-Mining stellt keine gemäßigte Nutzung dar.[...]

In other words: Private, noncomercial, moderate use of the API is tolerated. They don’t consider data mining as moderate use.

(Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, this isn’t legal advice)

Module documentation

exception mvg_api.ApiError(code, reason)

Some error was returned by the mvg api when handling the request. :ivar code: status code returned by the API :ivar reason: response given by the api (optional)

class mvg_api.Station(station)

Gives you a proxy to get the next departures for a particular station.

Either give it an exact station name (like “Hauptbahnhof”) or a station_id.

Deprecated-ish: This is not really all that useful. Just using get_id_for_station() and get_departures() really is the nicer way in most cases.

mvg_api.get_departures(station_id, timeoffset=0)

Get the next departures for station_id. Optionally, define timeoffset to not show departures sooner than a number of minutes.

Change in 1.2.2: accepts both ‘old-style’ integer IDs which were used by the API before this version and the new string IDs which look like de:09162:6.

To get the station_id associated with a station name, use get_id_for_station().

Returns a list like:

        'departureTime': 1571923180000,
        'product': 'UBAHN',
        'label': 'U2',
        'destination': 'Messestadt Ost',
        'live': True,
        'lineBackgroundColor': '#dd3d4d',
        'departureId': 1152101303,
        'sev': False,
        'departureTimeMinutes': 0

departureTimeMinutes, the time left to the departure in minutes, is added to the response from the api for your convenience.


Returns the station_id for the given station name.

If more than one station match, the first result is given. None is returned if no match was found.


Get the lines being served for station_id.

Change in 1.2.2: accepts both ‘old-style’ integer IDs which were used by the API before this version and the new string IDs which look like de:09162:6.

To get the station_id associated with a station name, use get_id_for_station().

Returns a list like:

        "destination" : "Aying",
        "sev" : false,
        "partialNet" : "ddb",
        "product" : "SBAHN",
        "lineNumber" : "S7",
        "divaId" : "92M07"

Note: The api seemingly only returns a single object per line served, meaning that both directions of a line are represented only by a single line in the response.


Returns all matches from the search for the given query string.

query can either be a name of a station or of a street, square, etc.

Returns a list wich looks somewhat like this:

        'type': 'station',
        'latitude': 48.12046,
        'longitude': 11.61869,
        'id': 'de:09162:1060',
        'place': 'München',
        'name': 'Innsbrucker Ring',
        'hasLiveData': True,
        'hasZoomData': True,
        'products': ['UBAHN'],
        'aliases': 'Muenchen Munchen',
        'link': 'IR',
        'lines': {
            'tram': [],
            'nachttram': [],
            'sbahn': [],
            'ubahn': [],
            'bus': [],
            'nachtbus': [],
            'otherlines': []
mvg_api.get_nearby_stations(lat, lon)

Stations nearby the given location.

  • lat (float) – Latitude
  • lon (float) – and longitude of the desired location.

Returns a list which is formated in this fassion:

        'type': 'station',
        'latitude': 48.12046,
        'longitude': 11.61869,
        'id': 'de:09162:1060',
        'place': 'München',
        'name': 'Innsbrucker Ring',
        'hasLiveData': True,
        'hasZoomData': True,
        'products': ['UBAHN'],
        'aliases': 'Muenchen Munchen',
        'link': 'IR',
        'lines': {
            'tram': [],
            'nachttram': [],
            'sbahn': [],
            'ubahn': [],
            'bus': [],
            'nachtbus': [],
            'otherlines': []
mvg_api.get_route(start, dest, time=None, arrival_time=False, max_walk_time_to_start=None, max_walk_time_to_dest=None, change_limit=None, ubahn=True, bus=True, tram=True, sbahn=True)

Plans a route from start to dest

Change in 1.2.2: accepts both ‘old-style’ integer IDs which were used by the API before this version and the new string IDs which look like de:09162:6.

  • start (int/str/tuple) – The station_id of the starting station or a tuple of coordinates
  • dest (int/str/tuple) – station_id of the destination station or a tuple of coordinates
  • time (datetime, optional) –
  • arrival_time (bool, optional) – Specifies if time is the starting time (which is default) or the desired time of arrival.
  • max_walk_time_to_dest (max_walk_time_to_start,) – Maximum time of walking in minutes required to reach the start/dest.
  • changeLimit (int, optional) – Specifies the maximum amount of changes.
  • ubahn (bool, optional) – Specifies if the subway(UBahn) should be considered in the route
  • bus (bool, optional) – Specifies if the bus should be considered in the route
  • tram (bool, optional) – Specifies if the tram should be considered in the route
  • sbahn (bool, optional) – Specifies if the SBahn should be considered in the route

Like get_locations(), but filters out all results which are not stations.

Indices and tables